Officials Deposit Refund

Officials Deposit

Cascade charges a $150 officials deposit to your Cascade family account when you register for the current season, regardless of how many swimmers you register. This deposit is charged only once, regardless of how many swimmers you register, and is refundable once a family member completes an officiating clinic and works as an official at Cascade-hosted swim meets. If a family does not participate in this way, the deposit is not refunded.  This incentive helps ensure that the club has enough qualified officials helping out to support the meets, making the events fun and successful for everyone.

How do you receive the Officials Deposit Refund? (the requirements)

Cascade will refund $150 to your family account if you complete both of the following during the current swim season, from September to the deadline in June: (1) complete a new officiating clinic for the first time, and (2) work that position at least once at a Cascade-hosted swim meet.

You qualify to receive the refund if at a Cascade-hosted swim meet during the current swim season:

  • You completed both of the first 2 officiating clinics for new officials, Intro to Officiating (Timekeeper) AND Safety Marshal, AND also worked as a Timer.


  • You completed any other single officiating clinic for the first time AND shadowed in that position.


  • You shadowed/worked electronics for the first time.  You do not need to complete an electronics (CJE, CFJ) clinic.

Please note that Cascade does not provide a refund for any clinics or shadows that were completed outside of the current season or after the officials deposit refund deadline.

If you qualify for the refund, please send an email to Cascade Officials Administrator with the subject line: "Request for Officials Deposit Refund". In your email, please include the following information:

  1. Officiating clinic
    • Officials account login email of member who completed the clinic =
    • Name of officials who completed the clinic = 
    • Clinic name =
    • Completion date =
  2. Swim meet
    • Meet name =
    • Date =
    • Session worked or shadowed =
    • Name of official who worked the swim meet = 
  3. Cascade account
    • Login email for the refund =

Once received, your refund request will be processed.

Officials Deposit Refund is for the current season only

Please ensure to complete all of the refund requirements during the current season, from September to the deadline in June. Credit will not be given if you took a clinic during a prior season.  Cascade will not provide refund for any clinics or shadows that were completed outside of the current season or after the officials deposit refund deadline.

Officials Deposit Refund Deadline

The Cascade hosted CSI meet in June is the last opportunity for you to work or shadow in a new officiating position in order to receive the officials deposit refund. Cascade will not provide refund for any clinics or shadows completed after the current season's Cascade hosted CSI swim meet.

When will you see the Officials Deposit Refund applied to your Cascade Account Statement?

Cascade Accounting applies the officials deposit refund to members accounts as follows:

Session Completed refund requirements duringRefund in this Cascade account statement
FallSeptember - NovemberJanuary statement
WinterDecember - FebruaryApril statement
SpringMarch - JuneJuly statement


If you have any questions about the officials deposit refund, please email Cascade Officials Administrator.

For information on billing / invoices and your Cascade account, please email Cascade Accounting.